If Donald J. Trump wants my vote, he’s going to have to change his behavior/attitude, at least in one of these statements listed below. While in office, some of these comments involve his language and behavior and other comments pertain to his policy decisions. Until he's able to change at least one of my concerns, I cannot, in good conscience, think he’s qualified to serve another 4 year-term.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he hasn’t lied more than 20,000 times in his presidency.
I'm gonna vote for Trump if he publicly provides a candid update during his campaign regarding the failed Foxconn business arrangement, one that he spearheaded with support from Wisconsin's GOP (And not use COVID as an excuse).
I’m gonna vote for Trump if announces at a press conference that he lied in the past saying he was always the smartest person in the room.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he balances the budget. (A 3 trillion dollar deficit in 1 year and frankly, how well did he really do as a businessman is you peel away the brand of a successful businessman, significantly enhanced by his role in The Apprentice.)

I’m gonna vote for Trump if he can prove his tariffs on Chinese goods are ultimately paid by the Chinese and not the American workers. (If goods are more expensive due to the tariffs, isn't that additional cost passed on to consumers?)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he decides to release his tax returns to the public, something he's said dozens of times that he would do. His go-to excuse is he's being audited by the IRS so he's unable to do so (untrue).
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he admits that he 'fucked up' with the handling of the Coronavirus, not only affecting many American's physical and mental health and sense of security, by suppressing the seriousness of this pandemic, this negligence will also indeed affect future economic growth for years to come. (How much of the 3 trillion dollar deficit because of COVID is a direct result of Trump ignoring this virus during the early part of 2020?)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he’s not a divisive leader of the free world.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he publicly admits that after less than mediocre results, the 'Make America Great Again' slogan for the '20 campaign is weak sauce. (I'm wondering if he realizes he's had 4 years to 'Make America Great Again' and how do you think he's done?)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he has maintained his campaign promise of significantly improving job opportunities for coal miners.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he rejoins the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) so he has more bargaining leverage when dealing with the Chinese. (Trump left the TPP in January 2017.)

I’m gonna vote for Trump if he’s able to (take a nuanced approach) to social unrest where he can articulate the difference between law-abiding citizens protesting and those who use the protest as a means to riot and loot.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he loses his pettiness by no longer retaliating against those who are critical of his behavior and policies while in office.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he admits it was foolish of him to say in the spring that the Coronavirus will go away once the weather improves. (Over 70,000 cases were reported on Friday.)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if the turnover rate of his cabinet was not at an all-time great amount. (Successful businessmen put people in a position to do their job without micromanaging. You can't continually complain about your cabinet not doing their job when it's your responsibility to find the right individuals to do their job, whether in business or politics.)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he has improved the healthcare situation among those Americans that need healthcare the most. He says that he has a healthcare plan but it’s been almost 4 years and we’ve yet to see any plan from the White House.

I’m gonna vote for Trump if he can cite a few verses from the New Testament.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he regularly believes in science.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he has built the wall separating Mexico from the United States (A campaign promise).
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he’s working on behalf of All Americans!!!
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he balances the budget while the stock market continues to improve. (Of course, the stock market is doing well with all of this deficit spending.)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he publicly admits (with less than 2 weeks before the election) that during his 2016 campaign he was so wrong when he said, "Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it."
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he stops his name-calling of political opponents.
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he accepts that COVID will be with us well into next year and stop saying we’ve rounded the corner. (I'm tired of him saying the vaccine is around the corner.)(Elect a clown, expect a circus.)
I’m gonna vote for Trump if he stops talking about how well the economy is doing when he boasts about 'his' stock market. (As astute readers know, the stock market is not the economy, only half of all Americans are invested in the stock market so what about the remaining 50% of Americans?)
Please give me a reason to vote for you, Mr. Trump. All you have to do is change your attitude and behavior in just one of those statements listed above. In the meantime, I’m having an extremely difficult time thinking you deserve another 4 years in office after all the incompetency, poor judgment, divisiveness, corruption, and uncontrollable narcissism.