Hello, My Name is Kevin Schwarm
A free spirit's take on work, life, travel, & consumerism
Why do Many American Liberals Hate Israel?
What's wrong with Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense?
Why did Kamala Harris lose?
Machiavellian Mitch? (Satire)
The Trump Interview (Satire)
Something Else to Worry About...
Coffee with Frank: Discussing the Independent Counsel & Donald Trump (Political Satire)
Thoughts and Prayers (Satire)
Textin' With Ted (Political Satire)
What's up with Bill? Part IV (Social Satire)
What's up with Bill? Part III (Political Satire)
Things to Ponder...
What's up with Bill? Part II (Political Satire)
Guns, Guns, and More Guns (Political Satire)
What's Up With Bill? Part I (Political Satire)
What Makes America Great - Part IX (LA Lakers version)
Who Says Curiosity Needs to Kill the Cat?
What Makes America Great - Part VIII
Bon Voyage to Bon Voyage!
Company Interactions And Other Stuff