Hello, My Name is Kevin Schwarm
A free spirit's take on work, life, travel, & consumerism
Things to Ponder...
Oat Bran Craze From Many Years Ago...
Defensive Driving Quiz
Who Needs a Dishwasher When You Have 8 of Them?
Guns, Guns, and More Guns (Political Satire)
What's Up With Bill? Part I (Political Satire)
What Makes America Great - Part IX (LA Lakers version)
Who Says Curiosity Needs to Kill the Cat?
You Lie -- State of the Union Style...
Job Recruitment Challenges
Ban the Golden Touchdown From the NFL
Personal Opinions Should Be Removed From MVP Voting
AT&T Challenges
Ad Blocker Irony
Our Fox News Conundrum (Faux News)
COVID-19 Data Analysis for the United States (end of 2021)
What is One of the Most Memorable Camping Trips You've Been On? (Part I)
Should I Give Money to a Billion-Dollar Organization & Get Nothing Tangible in Return? (Go Pack, Go)
Nice Touches at the Maui Regency Hyatt Resort and Spa
“What do you like about Europe?”